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WASSC 56 - 1 to 3 November 2023

For discussion on prioirity areas for WASSC term (2024-2026) (1,359kb) 02/11/2023 details
Medium-Term Plan for the Safety Standards (131kb) 10/10/2023 details
Preliminary list of actions arising from 56th WASSC meeting (73kb) 23/11/2023 details
Priorities for the Ninth Term of WASSC (2021-2023) (93kb) 10/10/2023 details
Suggested priorities for 10th WASSC term & Topical sessions (114kb) 03/11/2023 details
W1.3_Draft Agenda of the 56th WASSC meeting (220kb) 10/10/2023 details
W1.4_Chairpersons report of the 55th WASSC meeting (495kb) 20/10/2023 details
W1.5_Chairpersons report for the EPReSC&WASSC joint meeting (304kb) 20/10/2023 details
W1.5_Report for the EPReSC&WASSC joint meeting (Rev.1) (304kb) 31/10/2023 details
W1.6_Status of actions from WASSC-55 meeting (348kb) 10/10/2023 details
W1.6_Status of actions from WASSC-55 meeting_Rev. 1 (449kb) 22/11/2023 details
W2.1_DS552 (314kb) 31/10/2023 details
W2.1_DS552 (Rev.1) (333kb) 02/11/2023 ver.1 details
W2.2_DS553 (287kb) 31/10/2023 details
W2.3_DS505 (997kb) 01/11/2023 details
W2.4_DS525 (263kb) 31/10/2023 details
W2.5_DS529 (245kb) 25/10/2023 details
W2.6_DS531 (545kb) 31/10/2023 details
W2.7_DS543 (361kb) 31/10/2023 details
W2.8_DS554 (218kb) 31/10/2023 details
W2.9_Status of WASSC-led safety standards (976kb) 04/10/2023 details
W3.1_WASSC feedback on GSG-1 Questionnaire (369kb) 02/11/2023 details
W3.1_WASSC feedback on GSG-1 Questionnaire_Rev.1 (367kb) 22/11/2023 details
W3.2_WASSC members feedback on WS-G-5.2 questionnaire (277kb) 02/11/2023 details
W3.2_WASSC members feedback on WS-G-5.2 questionnaire_Rev.1 (339kb) 22/11/2023 details
W3.4_Update on DS544 (1,517kb) 01/11/2023 details
W4.1_WASSC End of Term Report (2021-2023) (725kb) 20/10/2023 details
W4.1_WASSC EoT Report_2021-2023_Rev.1 (817kb) 27/12/2023 details

| Last update: 17 January 2025.