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2021 Review Cycle SSR-6 (Rev.1)

2021 Quality Plan for Review of Regulations Rev. 6 (85kb) 29/11/2022 details
All review comments sorted by topic (335kb) 16/06/2022 ver.Rev 2 details
Att CH-01-081222-2426-Class7Box-Switzerland (988kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att CH-10-Table7-MultiplicationFactorAnalysis-SWITZERLAND (596kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att CH-28-AnnexIV-FreightContainerTable -Switzerland (126kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att G-02 - Germany Explanatory Document Table 2 (412kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att G-02 - Table 2 Germany (55kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att TIC-05 (58kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att USA-01 (47kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att WNTI-01 New Fissile Exception for Clean and Washed Out U (733kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att WNTI-02 Adapting CSI Limits to Transport byContainership (1,167kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att WNTI-05 Total Vessel CSI Limits (267kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att WNTI-24 Freight Container - Definition and Requirements (337kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att WNTI-25 Freight Container used as a Packaging (367kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att WNTI-35 IP with additional requirement for high doserate (394kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att WNTI-36 Shielded radioactive material (399kb) 21/04/2022 details
Att-2WNTI-36Shieldedradiaoctivematerial - As modified (2022) (161kb) 07/11/2022 details
Attachments files list (14kb) 21/04/2022 details
Comments lists TTEG Assignments Rev10 (86kb) 02/12/2022 details
New Table 2 (31kb) 28/09/2022 details
TTEG-C-PrimRevCmtsRebRev9T45 (140kb) 02/06/2023 details
TTEG-OM-PrimRevPropRev10T45 (709kb) 02/06/2023 details
TTEG-PPA-PrimRevPropRev7T45 (147kb) 02/06/2023 details
TTEG-RP-PrimRevPropRev7T45 (92kb) 02/06/2023 details

| Last update: 02 December 2024.