Radiation protection specialists often state that they have to answer
questions from the workers, employers and other interested parties from all
sectors that work with radioactivity on the subjects of "why do we have to
implement ALARA?" and "what can we do to implement it properly?". This list of
frequently asked questions (FAQs) intends to provide information to these
specialists so that they can answer quickly and correctly the most frequently
asked questions.
The first version of the FAQs was written in French and was issued in 2002 by
the French Atomic Energy Commission. This revised version is the result of the
work of the IAEA consultancy meeting held in March 2010 for reviewing, updating
and extending the scope of the first version.
It turns out that the document also can provide useful information directly
to the workers, employers and other interested parties. In order to facilitate
the search for information, a list of questions is available at the beginning of
the document, and an index with keywords is available at the end.
There are three distribution formats for the FAQ document:
- A paper version that will be made available in three languages (English,
French and Spanish);
- The web version on the IAEA "ORPNET" site in English;
- A CD version containing also the references mentioned in the text
For those who want to go more in depth, a bibliography is added at the end,
and links on the web version are provided within each answer. The links go
directly to material provided by international organisations (regulations and
recommendations) or provided by the end users (practical examples).
The document intends to be a living document, and will incorporate the
feedback from the readers of both the printed document and the web version on
the existing questions and answers as well as on new questions to be
The IAEA would also like to acknowledge the kind permission of the European
Commission Research Directorate-General and Ms. Pamela Stockell for the use in
the document of the ALARA drawings and cartoons which help us to grasp the
underlying concepts so well.